Tuesday, May 22, 2012

New Series Starting Today! "Domestic Violence Series" 5-22-2012 (Preface)

Domestic Violence Series (Preface)

I am asking you all to help me! We are going to fight this war of domestic violence by rescuing one woman and child at a time! This teaching might not be for you but if you know of someone who are in an abusive relationship or have been in one, please past this teaching on; looking the other way when you know someone is being abused WRONG! Think about if you were in their shoes – you would want someone to help you get out!! I know guys are abused but I am focused on women because this is my assignment from God; if the guys benefit from my teachings, that is good - if I can help them I will!

The material I am posting in this series (except the Preface and Introduction) does not belong to me and is clearly referenced of all sources so if you have any specific questions, you can contact the source for that particular part of the series. If you have any other questions or need any other information about domestic violence and abuse, you can contact me @ dehooks@abusedwoman.org and I will try and find it for you. I am attaching a copy of the outline for this series to this preface so you can see in advance what will be posted.

Next section posted will be “Domestic Violence Series (Part 1A) – “Introduction” on Thursday, May 24th

God bless,
Dr. Hooks

Abused Woman Ministries, Inc. Information:
www.abusedwoman.org – Main web site
www.drdehooks.blogspot.com – Blog web site
www.recovery4abusedwoman.org – School of Healing web site

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