Saturday, September 13, 2014

"Importance of Forgiveness" Recovery Program Begins Today! Overview & Introduction Sept 2, 2014

Today, we will begin a 7 week Program entitled, “Importance of Forgiveness!” The purpose of the Program is to help you get rid of toxic emotions (of anger, hatred, jealousy, rejection, fear, pride, bitterness, etc.) that has been caused by the trauma (abuse, sexual assault, etc.) you have suffered throughout your live so they can recover; the recovery process begins when YOU decide to forgive – forgiveness is a choice, not a feeling!! Therefore, you cannot receive complete recovery until these unresolved issues (toxic emotions of anger, hatred, jealousy, rejection, fear, pride, bitterness, etc.) are gone from your life. Those toxic emotions can cause all sorts of diseases in your souls and physical bodies. That is why forgiveness is so important; unforgiveness plays a big role in how we live our lives and how we react to things in our lives. As we get into the details of the program later, you will see how unforgiveness can create havoc in our lives and cause us to have unhappy relationships with family, friends, spouses, etc.
Each week on Tuesday, I will post a part of the teaching for this series, along with the Agenda for that week and any handouts or other info, for you to study. I suggest you begin each teaching with prayer, asking God to give you understanding and to speak to you about anything in your life that needs to be addressed. The “Discussion” section of the Agenda is the material you will be studying; each discussion is 30 minutes (I understand your busy schedule) but you can take longer if you would like. If you have any questions, contact me at
The journey may not be easy but God got you in the palm of His hand and nothing and nobody will be able to pluck you out!! God will NEVER leave you nor forsake you!! Trust Him!!
You WILL move forward; not backward!!! You ARE gaining your momentum; God is catapulting YOU into YOUR destiny!!! Welcome to YOUR "Journey of Freedom!!" Let the Recovery begin!!! We are praying for YOU!!
May God give you the strength you need for your journey!

God bless,
Dr. Dorothy E. Hooks

NOTE: These materials are copyright protected therefore you must request permission to reproduce any part of this material. To request permission, please contact Dr. Dorothy E. Hooks:

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